Gozo Regional Council starts candidacy bid for European Region of Gastronomy in 2026

by | May 26, 2023 | ERG2026, News | 0 comments

English Version:

Kos, Greece 28th April 2023 –  The Gozo Regional Council has officially applied for the European Gastronomical Region for 2026. The application is being spearheaded by the Gozo Regional Council to promote Gozo as a destination for food lovers alike.


On Thursday 27th April 2023, The Gozo Regional Council President, Dr Samuel Azzopardi signed the formal agreement between the Region and the International Institute of Gastronomy, Culture, Arts and Tourism in order to officially submit the island’s bid for the European Region of Gastronomy in 2026. 


The bid as spearheaded by the Gozo Regional Council has also garnered support from various stakeholders in Gozo. Dr Azzopardi emphasised that it is through projects like these that Gozo can improve itself as a unique tourist destination banking on its distinct characteristics. Dr Azzopardi stated:  “This project will be a great improvement for Gozo as we will further preserve and elevate the gastronomical identity of the island. For this bid to succeed, it is imperative to have the support of key stakeholders in the region, and I am optimistic that we will work together harmoniously and efficiently towards this shared goal.”

“We will further preserve and elevate the gastronomical identity of the island.” – Dr Samuel Azzopardi


Moreover, the stakeholders will collaborate with the ultimate objective of creating a sustainable future rooted in cultural and culinary diversity, with the aim of positioning the region as a leading candidate for the Best World Region of Gastronomy 2030. 


Moving forward, the Gozo Regional Council is in the process of drafting up a Bid Book that will present the characteristics of the region’s gastronomical identity to the IGCAT, for it to be considered. The Council welcomes any feedback or ideas, which can be communicated at regjun-ghawdex.dlg@gov.mt


IGCAT Judges will be in Gozo in the next few months in order to analyze and judge the island’s culinary identity.

Maltese Version

Il-Kunsill Reġjonali Għawdex applika għar-Reġjun Gastronomiku Ewropew għas-sena 2026. L-applikazzjoni qed titmexxa mill-Kunsill Reġjonali Għawdex biex ikompli jippromwovi lil Għawdex bħala destinazzjoni għal min iħobb l-ikel.

Kos, il-Greċja – Il-President tar-Reġjun Għawdex, Dr Samuel Azzopardi ffirma l-ftehim formali bejn ir-Reġjun u l-Istitut Internazzjonali tal-Gastronomija, Kultura, Arti u Turiżmu sabiex jissottometti uffiċjalment l-offerta tal-gżira għar-Reġjun Ewropew tal-Gastronomija fl-2026.

Il-kandidatura ġiet imbuttata ‘l quddiem mill-Kunsill Reġjonali Għawdex, ġabet ukoll appoġġ pożittiv minn diversi entitajiet interessati. Dr Azzopardi saħaq li huwa permezz ta’ proġetti bħal dawn li Għawdex jista’ jtejjeb lilu nnifsu bħala destinazzjoni turistika billi jibbaża fuq il-karatteristiċi distinti tiegħu. Dr Azzopardi stqarr: “Dan il-proġett se jkun ta’ titjib kbir għal Għawdex hekk kif se nkomplu nippreservaw u ntejbu l-identità gastronomika tal-gżira. Biex din l-offerta tirnexxi, huwa imperattiv li jkollna l-appoġġ tal-entitajiet ikkonċernati fir-reġjun, u jiena ottimist li se naħdmu flimkien b’mod armonjuż u effiċjenti lejn dan l-għan komuni.”

Barraminnhekk, l-istakeholders se jikkollaboraw bl-għan li jinħoloq futur sostenibbli b’għeruq fid-diversità kulturali u kulinari, bil-għan li r-reġjun jitqiegħed bħala kandidat ewlieni għall-Aħjar Reġjun Dinji tal-Gastronomija 2030.

Il-pass li jmiss: il-Kunsill Reġjonali ta’ Għawdex jinsab fil-proċess li jfassal Bid Book li se jippreżenta l-karatteristiċi tal-identità gastronomika tar-reġjun lill-IGCAT, biex jiġi kkunsidrat. Il-Kunsill jilqa’ kull feedback jew ideat, li jistgħu jiġu kkomunikati fuq regjun-ghawdex.dlg@gov.mt.

Il-Ġurija tal-IGCAT se jkunu Għawdex fix-xhur li ġejjin sabiex janalizzaw u jiġġudikaw l-identità kulinari tal-gżira.


Written by Gozo Regional Council

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