Gozo at the European Young Chef Awards 2024
"Participating in the European Young Chef Award is an incredible honour for me, providing a unique opportunity to advance my journey in the culinary world,” says Giulia Casano, the finalist representing Gozo, European Region of Gastronomy 2026, at the 8th European...
Region of Gozo Awarded Title of European Region of Gastronomy 2026
Under the backdrop of the iconic Citadel, the Gozo Region was officially awarded the prestigious title of European Region of Gastronomy by the International Institute of Gastronomy, Culture, Arts and Tourism (IGCAT). Several members of Parliament, ministers, mayors,...
Region of Gozo recommended for prestigious title of European Region Of Gastronomy
English Version Gozo, 15th February - The island of Gozo has been recommended for the prestigious Award of European Region of Gastronomy 2026 by the International Institute of Gastronomy, Culture, Arts, and Tourism (IGCAT). This momentous achievement marks a...
Gozo Regional Council submits and publishes Bid Book for European Region of Gastronomy 2026
The Gozo Regional Council has submitted the document to the International Institute of Gastronomy for evaluation on the awarding of the prestigious title. This submission is part of the candidacy bid that was initiated in April 2023. After formalising a partnership...
Deadline extension given for Call for Projects Proposals for the Bid for Region of Gastronomy
The Region has issued an extension of the deadline for submitting the Call for Proposals relating to the Bid for Gozo, European Region of Gastronomy 2026. The simple application form and more information can be found here on the webpage for the bid. European Region of...
Information Session to be held on Bid for Region of Gastronomy
Due to high demand -an information session is being held to discuss and present the process of the Bid for Gozo - Region of Gastronomy 2026. The meeting will present the platform and more information on the Call for Project Proposals. The session will take place on...
Call for Project Proposals – Bid for Gozo, European Region of Gastronomy 2026
The Gozo Regional Council is launching a Call for Projects as part of the bid for Gozo, European Region of Gastronomy 2026, a platform guided by the IGCAT. Those interested are encouraged to download, fill in and submit the application form by noon on July 26th 2023....
Bid Journey Begins – First Consultation Meeting
Inżammet laqgħa ta' konsultazzjoni bejn l-intraprizi u stakeholders fis-settur tal-gastronomija f'Għawdex, biex jibda jigi mħejji l-Bid Book għar-Reġjun tal-Gastronomija 2026. Għal-laqgħa attendew numru sabiħ ta' nies li jaħdmu fis-settur minn bdiewa sa' negozjanti u...
Gozo Regional Council starts candidacy bid for European Region of Gastronomy in 2026
English Version: Kos, Greece 28th April 2023 - The Gozo Regional Council has officially applied for the European Gastronomical Region for 2026. The application is being spearheaded by the Gozo Regional Council to promote Gozo as a destination for food lovers...