Region of Gozo Awarded Title of European Region of Gastronomy 2026 

by | Sep 29, 2024 | ERG2026, News | 0 comments

Under the backdrop of the iconic Citadel, the Gozo Region was officially awarded the prestigious title of European Region of Gastronomy by the International Institute of Gastronomy, Culture, Arts and Tourism (IGCAT). Several members of Parliament, ministers, mayors, and project stakeholders attended the event hosted by the Gozo Regional Council.

Mr Jaume Gomila Saura, IGCAT Secretary, presented the Title to the Gozo Region President Dr Samuel Azzopardi.  Dr Samuel Azzopardi commented “I am deeply honored by the recognition we have received as a European Region of Gastronomy for 2026. This prestigious title means a great deal for our island, not only as a recognition of our rich gastronomic heritage but also as a catalyst for increasing our domestic product in focusing on sustainability and quality. This award is a testament to our island’s varied identity. I see this as an important stepping stone in ensuring that our Gozitan identity is not just promoted but improved and enhanced. It provides us with an opportunity to showcase Gozo’s commitment to preserving our traditional practices while adapting to modern sustainable methods that will protect our environment and future generations.”

The Gozo Regional Council spearheaded the bid in collaboration with the Gozo Business Chamber, the Gozo Regional Development Authority, the Institute for Tourism Studies in Gozo, the Gozo NGOs Association, the Gozo Tourism Association, and the Gozo College. 

During the event, the three regions holding the title gave a brief presentation about their region’s food. The three regions are Kvarner in Croatia, Crete in Greece and Gozo. Moreover, during the event, the attendees had a talk on the history of Maltese and Gozitan Food by University of Malta Senior Lecturer Dr Noel Buttigieg and a talk on Slow Food by Mr Kurt Mifsud from the Mediterranean Culinary Academy.  During the night, the guests were entertained by the local folk groups, Cittadella Folk Group and San Bert Folk Group. 

The Journey of European Region of Gastronomy – Gozo 2026

In February 2024, Gozo underwent an extensive evaluation by the IGCAT jury, following the submission of its bid book in December 2023. The bid emphasised Gozo’s unique gastronomic identity and its vision for sustainable development. During their visit, the jury immersed themselves in Gozitan life, exploring the island’s rich food traditions, from small-scale sheep milk farming and the making of ġbejniet and Gozitan ftira to large-scale tomato processing and innovative technologies, including those for international export.

The five international judges also examined the deep connection between food and religion, observing the transition from Carnival to Lent and Holy Week’s culinary customs. Additionally, they visited significant cultural heritage sites, such as the Ġgantija Temples and Ta’ Pinu National Shrine.

The island’s vibrant food culture, strong sense of community, breathtaking landscapes, and warm hospitality left a lasting impression on the evaluation panel. This successful evaluation sets a positive tone for Gozo’s forthcoming bid for the title of European Capital of Culture 2031, later this year.

Għawdex premjat it-titlu ta’ Reġjun Ewropew tal-Gastronomija għas-sena 2026

Bi sfond mill-isbaħ tal-Forti taċ-Ċittadella, ir-Reġjun t’Għawdex uffiċċjalment ġie mogħti t-titlu prestiġjuż tar-Reġjun Ewropew tal-Gastronomija għas-sena 2026 mill-Istitut Internazzjonali tal-Gastronomija, Kultura, Arti u Turiżmu (IGCAT). Diversi membri parlamentari, ministri, sindki u stakeholders attendew l-avveniment organizzat mill-Kunsill Reġjonali t’Għawdex.

Is-Sur Jaume Gomila Saura, Segretarju tal-IGCAT, preżenta t-titlu lill-president tar-Reġjun Għawdex Dr Samuel Azzopardi.  Dr Azzopardi, waqt id-diskors tal-okkazjoni staqrr “Ninsab onorat ħafna bir-rikonoxximent li rċevejna bħala Reġjun Ewropew tal-Gastronomija għall-2026. Dan it-titlu prestiġjuż ifisser ħafna għal gżiritna, mhux biss bħala rikonoxximent tal-wirt gastronomiku għani tagħna iżda wkoll bħala katalist biex jiżdied il-prodott fuq is-sostenibbiltà u l-kwalità. Dan il-premju huwa xhieda tal-identità varjata ta’ gżiritna. Nara dan bħala pass importanti biex niżguraw li l-identità tagħna Għawdxija mhux biss tiġi promossa iżda mtejba u msaħħa. Tagħtina opportunità biex nuru l-impenn ta’ Għawdex biex nippreservaw il-prattiki tradizzjonali tagħna filwaqt li naddattaw għal metodi moderni sostenibbli li jipproteġu l-ambjent tagħna u l-ġenerazzjonijiet futuri.”

Il-Kunsill Reġjonali mexxa ‘l quddiem il-bid għas-sena, bl-għajnuna tal-Kamra tal-Kummerċ Għawdxija, l-Awtorità għall-Izvilupp Reġjonali ta’ Għawdex, l-Institut għas-Studji Turistiċi f’Għawdex, l-Assoċjazzjoni għal Għaqdiet Mhux Governativi Għawdxin, l-Assoċjazzjoni Għawdxija tat-Turiżmu u l-Kulleġġ ta’ Għawdex. 

It-tlett reġjuni li għandom it-titlu tar-Reġjun tal-Gastronomija, Kvarner fil-Kroazja, Krete fil-Greċja u Għawdex.,  taw preżentazzjoni dwar l-ikel tar-reġjun rispettiv. Barra minn hekk, kien hemm taħdita interessanti dwar l-istorja tal-Ikel Malti u Għawdxi mill-lettur tal-Università ta’ Malta Dr Noel Buttigieg u taħdita dwar Slow Food mis-Sur Kurt Mifsud mill-Mediterranean Culinary Academy.

Kif wasalna sa hawn – Reġjun Ewropew tal-Gastronomija: Għawdex 2026 

Fi Frar 2024, Għawdex għadda minn evalwazzjoni estensiva mill-ġurija tal-IGCAT, wara s-sottomissjoni tal-bid book f’Diċembru 2023. L-offerta enfasizzat l-identità gastronomika unika ta’ Għawdex u l-viżjoni tiegħu għall-iżvilupp sostenibbli. Matul iż-żjara tagħhom, il-ġurija ġew esposti għall-ħajja Għawdxija, esplorew t-tradizzjonijiet tal-ikel varji tal-gżira tagħna, mit-trobbija tal-nagħaġ,  l-produzzjoni tal-ġbejniet, l-ftira Għawdxija, ipproċessar tat-tadam u teknoloġiji innovattivi, inklużi dawk għall-esportazzjoni internazzjonali. .

Il-ħames ġurija eżaminaw ukoll ir-rabta profonda bejn l-ikel u r-reliġjon, waqt li osservaw it-tranżizzjoni mill-Karnival għar-Randan u d-drawwiet kulinari tal-Ġimgħa Mqaddsa. Barra minn hekk, żaru siti ta’ wirt kulturali sinifikanti, bħat-Tempji tal-Ġgantija u s-Santwarju Nazzjonali Ta’ Pinu.

Il-kultura vibranti tal-gżira, is-sens qawwi ta’ komunità, il-pajsaġġi idiliċi, u l-ospitalità ħallew impressjoni dejjiema fuq il-ġurija. Din l-evalwazzjoni ta’ suċċess tagħti spinta pożittiva għall-offerta li ġejja ta’ Għawdex għat-titlu ta’ Kapitali Ewropea tal-Kultura 2031, aktar tard din is-sena.

Photos: Darren Cassar – Anaca Photography

Written by Gozo Regional Council

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